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Markdown essentials
- Authors
- Name
- Jegadeesh Vikramanthampi
A quick overview of the markdown essentials to get you up and running with markdown. Check out the links towards the end of this guide for more markdown features and further reading.
Prefix h1 through h6 using # as shown below
# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6
(or) use = & - characters for h1 & h2 respectively
Text manipulation
Italics -> wrap using * or _ character e.g., *Italic text* (or) _Italic text_
Bold text -> wrap using ** or __ e.g., **bold text** (or) __bold text__
Combination -> **combining bold text and _italized text_**
Strikethrough -> wrap the word using two tildes e.g., ~~strikethrough text~~
- Use
after a word to insert a footnote -n
is a numeric that lets you add multiple footnotes within a paragraph. - Then use
[^n]: <insert footnote text>
to specify the footnote content - you can usen
to your advantage here to link individual footnotes within a paragraph. See examples below.
Not everyone will qualify for 0% APR. [^1] Take advantage of our promotional offers! [^2]
[^1]: Lending provided by ABC Corp
[^2]: Promotional offers are for limited time only
Horizontal rule
Use _ thrice to create a horizontal rule e.g., ___
Unordered lists
Prefix list items using * or - character. Use a single tab or indent to create a sub item.
* Item 1
* Item 2
* sub item a
* sub item b
- Item 1
- Item 2
- sub item a
- sub item b
Ordered lists
Prefix list items using numbers (both sequential and non-sequential will work) Use double tabs or indents to create sub items.
1. Item 1
* sub item a
* sub item b
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
1. Item 1
* sub item a
* sub item b
1. Item 2
1. Item 3
Task lists
An ordered or unordered list can be turned to a task list by adding one of the following patterns to the list item:
[ ]
for an incomplete or pending item and[x]
for a completed item
- [x] Mow the lawn
- [x] Do the dishes
- [x] Wash car
- [ ] Hit the gym
Prefix blockquotes with > character. Use > twice in succession to create a blockquote within blockquote.
> this is a blockquote
>> this is a blockquote within a blockquote
Use the full URL as is for a standard hyperlink. To use custom text with the hyperlink, wrap the custom text within [ ] and the actual URL within ( )
Standard hyperlink -> http://www.google.com
Custom hyperlink -> [visit google](http://www.google.com)
![Alt text for image](image url)
e.g., ![placeholder image of size 600x400](https://placehold.co/600x400)
Escape sequences
Use backlash to escape special characters. For example, asterisk is a special character used for a variety of operations like making text bold, ordering lists etc. So, how do you render the asterisk character itself in markdown?
render asterisk in markdown via escape sequence -> how do i render \* character?
\ escape sequence works with most of the special characters like \ ` * _ { } [ ] ( ) # + - . !
Code blocks
Wrap code blocks using backticks e.g., `alert('hello there!')`
For a code block spanning multiple lines, use fenced code blocks by wrapping the code block using three backticks (or) tilde character. You cannot mix ` and ~ together in the code block - use just one.
``` or ~~~
function alert(name) {
alert(`Hello ${name}. Nice to meet you!`);
``` or ~~~
Specify the language name and if required, a filename within code blocks for syntax highlighting. Notice how both the functions only differ in syntax highlighting.
function alert(name) {
alert(`Hello ${name}. Nice to meet you!`)
- Use - character to separate table head from table body
- Use | character to separate table columns
- Use : along with - character to align table columns
- e.g., center align column --> :----:
- right align column --> ----:
| Item | Qty | Price |
| ----- | :-: | ----: |
| Bread | 2 | $4.50 |
| Milk | 1 | $3.99 |
| Eggs | 3 | $5.25 |
Item | Qty | Price |
Bread | 2 | $4.50 |
Milk | 1 | $3.99 |
Eggs | 3 | $5.25 |