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Markdown essentials

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    Jegadeesh Vikramanthampi


Prefix h1 through h6 using # as shown below

# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6

(or) use = & - characters for h1 & h2 respectively



Text manipulation

Italics -> wrap using * or _ character e.g., *Italic text* (or) _Italic text_

Bold text -> wrap using ** or __ e.g., **bold text** (or) __bold text__

Combination ->  **combining bold text and _italized text_**

Strikethrough -> wrap the word using two tildes e.g., ~~strikethrough text~~


  • Use [^n] after a word to insert a footnote - n is a numeric that lets you add multiple footnotes within a paragraph.
  • Then use [^n]: <insert footnote text> to specify the footnote content - you can use n to your advantage here to link individual footnotes within a paragraph. See examples below.
Not everyone will qualify for 0% APR. [^1] Take advantage of our promotional offers! [^2]
[^1]: Lending provided by ABC Corp
[^2]: Promotional offers are for limited time only

Horizontal rule

Use _ thrice to create a horizontal rule e.g., ___

Unordered lists

Prefix list items using * or - character. Use a single tab or indent to create a sub item.

* Item 1
* Item 2
  * sub item a
  * sub item b


- Item 1
- Item 2
  - sub item a
  - sub item b

Ordered lists

Prefix list items using numbers (both sequential and non-sequential will work) Use double tabs or indents to create sub items.

1. Item 1
  * sub item a
  * sub item b
2. Item 2
3. Item 3


1. Item 1
  * sub item a
  * sub item b
1. Item 2
1. Item 3

Task lists

An ordered or unordered list can be turned to a task list by adding one of the following patterns to the list item:

  • [ ] for an incomplete or pending item and
  • [x] for a completed item
- [x] Mow the lawn
- [x] Do the dishes
- [x] Wash car
- [ ] Hit the gym


Prefix blockquotes with > character. Use > twice in succession to create a blockquote within blockquote.

> this is a blockquote
>> this is a blockquote within a blockquote

Use the full URL as is for a standard hyperlink. To use custom text with the hyperlink, wrap the custom text within [ ] and the actual URL within ( )

Standard hyperlink ->
Custom hyperlink -> [visit google](


![Alt text for image](image url)
e.g., ![placeholder image of size 600x400](

Escape sequences

Use backlash to escape special characters. For example, asterisk is a special character used for a variety of operations like making text bold, ordering lists etc. So, how do you render the asterisk character itself in markdown?

render asterisk in markdown via escape sequence -> how do i render \* character?

\ escape sequence works with most of the special characters like \ ` * _ { } [ ] ( ) # + - . !

Code blocks

Wrap code blocks using backticks e.g., `alert('hello there!')`

For a code block spanning multiple lines, use fenced code blocks by wrapping the code block using three backticks (or) tilde character. You cannot mix ` and ~ together in the code block - use just one.

``` or ~~~
function alert(name) {
  alert(`Hello ${name}. Nice to meet you!`);
``` or ~~~

Specify the language name and if required, a filename within code blocks for syntax highlighting. Notice how both the functions only differ in syntax highlighting.

function alert(name) {
  alert(`Hello ${name}. Nice to meet you!`)


  • Use - character to separate table head from table body
  • Use | character to separate table columns
  • Use : along with - character to align table columns
    • e.g., center align column --> :----:
    • right align column --> ----:
| Item  | Qty | Price |
| ----- | :-: | ----: |
| Bread |  2  | $4.50 |
| Milk  |  1  | $3.99 |
| Eggs  |  3  | $5.25 |